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Civil engineering and infrastructure tender opportunities

In the past 3 months, 104453 Civil engineering and infrastructure related tender opportunities have been added to DCI.

You can view extracts of these contracts listed below. For full details of these opportunities and to further refine your contract search, log-in or sign up today for a free trial of Tracker.

Search results for Civil engineering and infrastructure related tender opportunities in :

Publication Date Title and Description Country Notice Type

Contract for Specialist Cricket Ground Works Commencing September 2025

United Kingdom notice

Hoads Wood Waste Clearance

United Kingdom notice

RMBC - CD - For the Provision of Replacement Bridge Deck and Parapet Rev A

United Kingdom notice

Contract for Refurbishment of Property to Former Children's Home Facility

United Kingdom award

Call-Off Contract 1 for the Provision of Road Safety Related Observational Studies - Framework Agreement

Republic of Ireland award

Skatepark Construction

United Kingdom notice

Extra Care - Supported Living Accommodation

United Kingdom notice

A Qualification System for the Provision of Specialised Construction Services

Republic of Ireland notice

Request for Tender for a Multi Supplier Framework for Quantity Surveying Feasibility Consultancy Services

Republic of Ireland notice

Living Lab 2.0 Installer DPS Framework - Early Engagement

United Kingdom notice
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