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Construction and Property tender opportunities

In the past 3 months, 191161 Construction and Property related tender opportunities have been added to DCI.

You can view extracts of these contracts listed below. For full details of these opportunities and to further refine your contract search, log-in or sign up today for a free trial of Tracker.

Search results for Construction and Property related tender opportunities in :

Publication Date Title and Description Country Notice Type

Middleton in Teesdale Refurbishment Works

United Kingdom notice

Restoration and Remediation of Clymping Dene pond within Feltham Arenas and the pond within Carville Hall Park South

United Kingdom notice

Managed Term Building Contract (MTC)

United Kingdom award

Ascent Homes Willow Farm - Phase 3, 2B and 4 Cavity Wall and Loft Insulation

United Kingdom notice

NAB - Principal Designer - CDM

United Kingdom notice

AZP & HNDU Zoning Support

United Kingdom award

CEFAS24-133 RFQ for technical advisory services on risk assessment

United Kingdom notice

The Higgins Art Gallery & Museum Roof valley gutter alteration project ref: 23038 - AWARD

United Kingdom award

MWF Lot 1 - St Thomas More RC (Va) Primary School - WC Refurbishment - AWARD

United Kingdom award

EV Weed Ritter

United Kingdom award
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