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Medical Equipment tender opportunities

In the past 3 months, 78463 Medical Equipment related tender opportunities have been added to DCI.

You can view extracts of these contracts listed below. For full details of these opportunities and to further refine your contract search, log-in or sign up today for a free trial of Tracker.

Search results for Medical Equipment related tender opportunities in :

Publication Date Title and Description Country Notice Type

United Kingdom-London: Perfusion Devices, Consumables and Associated Equipment

United Kingdom notice

Perfusion Devices, Consumables and Associated Equipment

United Kingdom notice

United Kingdom-Preston: The Provision of a Renal Dialysis and Outpatient Clinic Managed Service

United Kingdom notice

United Kingdom-Leeds: NHS National Framework for Transition products commencing 1 October 2024

United Kingdom award

Rental automatic external defibrillator AED set (114-115 years)

Taiwan - Province Of China notice

Request for Proposals - Supply of COVID-19 vaccines

New Zealand notice

Public Bidding Announcement for Color Doppler Ultrasound Diagnostic System Project of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture People's Hospital

China notice

Hunan Provincial Health Commission Public Tender Announcement for the 2024 Centrally Subsidized Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment Drug Procurement Project

China notice

Semi-automatic rotary microtome (NC code 024:2023: 15158 Rotary microtome, DC code 021:2015: 33950000-4 Equipment and supplies for clinical and forensic medicine); Paraffin embedding station (NK 024:2023: 43215 Furnace for paraffin embedding, code DC 021:2015: 33950000-4 Equipment and accessories for clinical and forensic medicine); Water bath (NC code 024:2023: 15107 Bath for flotation, DC code 021:2015: 33950000-4 Equipment and accessories for clinical and forensic medicine); Table for drying samples (cod

Ukraine notice

Complete spare parts for medical equipment

Ukraine notice
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